Pretty much every single step has the drip and run marks as in the top picture and the coating itself is absolutely full of dirt, grit, hair, .... Just how any trades person or company can walk away and leave a job like this is amazing.
Unfortunately for us both Sawmill Interior Timbers from Albion Park and One three designer homes are both quite happy to.
I came across the this information sheet from the Australian Timber Flooring Association. It outlines reasonable owner expectations for an onsite sanded and finished timber floor. On the topic of dust and debris it says – A degree of contamination in the final coat is unavoidable and will vary from one site to another being dependent on a number of factors such as draughts, heating and ventilation systems, insects and the like. It can be expected that the contractor will take reasonable measures to minimise the risk of contamination and that at job completion there will not be heavily contaminated areas in the floor that are obvious when assessing the floor.
There will not be heavily contaminated areas in the floor that are obvious
I wish.
I wish.